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Woman from Erstwhile Royal Family of Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Held for Creating Ruckus at Temple

Woman From Erstwhile Royal Family Of Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Held For Creating Ruckus At Temple

A woman from the erstwhile royal family of Madhya Pradesh's Panna has been arrested for creating a disturbance at a temple during Janmashtami celebrations. Jiteshwari Devi allegedly entered the sanctum sanctorum without authorization, leading to a complaint by the temple management. She has been charged with deliberate acts intended to outrage religious feelings and assault to deter a public servant. Her bail application has been rejected, and she has claimed a defense welfare fund scam worth 65,000 crores in the district.

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Woman from Erstwhile Royal Family of Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Held for Creating Ruckus at Temple
