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Fintech faces its reckoning: It’s only a matter of time until the house of cards collapses

Fintech Faces Its Reckoning: It’s Only A Matter Of Time Until The House Of Cards Collapses

The article discusses the potential challenges and risks facing the fintech industry as interest rates rise and the business models of fintech companies become less sustainable. Many fintech companies rely on interchange fees as their main source of revenue, but these fees are capped while interest rates are not. This presents a dilemma as borrowing costs can spiral out of control. Additionally, fintech startups lack the product diversity and funding advantages enjoyed by traditional financial institutions. The article concludes by mentioning the difficulties and downsides of becoming a registered bank for fintech companies.

The post Fintech faces its reckoning: It’s only a matter of time until the house of cards collapses appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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Fintech faces its reckoning: It’s only a matter of time until the house of cards collapses
