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ECWs New Report Shows Successful Education Funding Model for Crises-Impacted Children

ECWs New Report Shows Successful Education Funding Model For Crises-Impacted Children

The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) organization has released its annual report highlighting the need for increased funding for education in emergencies. The report reveals that 224 million children are currently in need of education support due to conflict and other crises, and the financial needs for education in emergencies have almost tripled in the past three years. ECW has reached 8.8 million children with quality education since its inception in 2016, but more funding is required to reach the goal of 20 million children by the end of its 2023-2026 strategic plan. The report calls on world leaders to scale up financial support for vulnerable children.

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ECWs New Report Shows Successful Education Funding Model for Crises-Impacted Children
