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Canada added 40,000 jobs in August — but it added 100,000 more people, too

Canada Added 40,000 Jobs In August — But It Added 100,000 More People, Too

Canada added 40,000 jobs in August, double the expected amount, but only half of what is needed to keep up with population growth. The employment rate declined by 0.1 percentage points to 61.9%. Economists were expecting only 20,000 jobs to be added and some predicted a decline. So far this year, Canada has added 174,000 new positions, but the working-age population has increased by three times that amount. In August, professional, scientific, and technical services added 52,000 jobs, while the education sector lost 44,000 jobs and manufacturing lost 30,000.

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Canada added 40,000 jobs in August — but it added 100,000 more people, too
