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Absconding Leader of ISIS-Thrissur Module Nabbed by NIA, Accused Had Planned to Flee Abroad

Absconding Leader Of ISIS-Thrissur Module Nabbed By NIA, Accused Had Planned To Flee Abroad

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested the leader of the ISIS-Thrissur module, Siyed Nabeel Ahammed, from Chennai, foiling his plans to flee the country. He had been on the run and hiding in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu for several weeks. The NIA had been tracking him and found incriminating documents and digital devices in his possession. The ISIS module was planning terror acts in Kerala and raising funds through illegal activities. The NIA has been cracking down on ISIS modules in India and has arrested several members to thwart their terror agenda.

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Absconding Leader of ISIS-Thrissur Module Nabbed by NIA, Accused Had Planned to Flee Abroad
