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Newman’s 10 Most Diabolical Moments on ‘Seinfeld’

Newman’s 10 Most Diabolical Moments On ‘Seinfeld’

This news article titled "Balanced News: Newman's 10 Most Diabolical Moments on 'Seinfeld'" discusses the character Newman from the TV show Seinfeld and his evil actions throughout the series. The article ranks Newman's moments from moderately fiendish to diabolical genius. Some of his evil deeds include catching Jerry making out with his girlfriend during a movie, passing fleas onto Jerry, lying under oath, and having an affair with a married woman. The article also mentions Newman's parking ticket troubles and his involvement in a scheme to harm a yapping dog.

The post Newman’s 10 Most Diabolical Moments on ‘Seinfeld’ appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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Newman’s 10 Most Diabolical Moments on ‘Seinfeld’
