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Top 10 Tips for Getting Over a Breakup – Advice From 2,000 Adults Finds Much Agreement

Top 10 Tips For Getting Over A Breakup – Advice From 2,000 Adults Finds Much Agreement

A new poll of 2,000 adults has compiled the top advice for getting over a breakup. The majority of respondents believe it is best to consider a breakup as a fresh start and to push oneself to try new things. Other tips include getting rid of their belongings, blocking them on social media, getting lots of sleep, reigniting old hobbies, and spending time with friends. The survey also found that on average, respondents have experienced three breakups in their adult life, but two-thirds believe a breakup can lead to something better in the end.

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Top 10 Tips for Getting Over a Breakup – Advice From 2,000 Adults Finds Much Agreement
