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10 Hilariously Crazy Bad McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys

10 Hilariously Crazy Bad McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys

The article discusses some of the strange and undesirable toys that have been included in McDonald's Happy Meals over the years. These toys, meant to appeal to children, have sometimes ended up being bizarre or even creepy. Examples of these include costume-wearing McNuggets, a glove with a horrifying drawing of Ronald McDonald, and a set of rubber gloves housed in a museum. Some toys have also been criticized for promoting unhealthy habits, such as a line of fitness-oriented items endorsed by Michael Jordan. Overall, the article highlights the less successful and more peculiar toys offered by McDonald's.

The post 10 Hilariously Crazy Bad McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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10 Hilariously Crazy Bad McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys
