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‘Darwaze Pe Dastak’: Kota Police Rope in Wardens, Mess Workers to Help Curb Student Suicides

‘Darwaze Pe Dastak’: Kota Police Rope In Wardens, Mess Workers To Help Curb Student Suicides

Kota, a coaching hub in India, has witnessed the highest number of student suicides in 2023, with 22 reported so far. To address this issue, the local police have enlisted the help of wardens, mess workers, and tiffin service providers to monitor students for signs of depression or stress. Wardens are encouraged to participate in the "Darwaze pe dastak" campaign, where they regularly check on students in hostels. The goal is to detect early signs of distress and provide counseling before students reach a breaking point. In a controversial move, the administration also asked for the installation of spring-loaded ceiling fans in hostels and PG accommodations.

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‘Darwaze Pe Dastak’: Kota Police Rope in Wardens, Mess Workers to Help Curb Student Suicides
