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Implantable Artificial Kidney That Frees Patients From Dialysis On Horizon After Successful Trial

Implantable Artificial Kidney That Frees Patients From Dialysis On Horizon After Successful Trial

The University of California in San Francisco has developed an implantable artificial kidney that mimics the organ's daily functions. In a clinical trial, the kidney cells housed within the device, called a bioreactor, were able to function without triggering the recipient's immune system to attack. The next step is a month-long trial, first in animals and then in humans. The ultimate goal is to create a device that can mimic all kidney functions and provide an alternative to dialysis or organ transplants. The researchers believe the device will make treatment for kidney disease more effective and comfortable.

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Implantable Artificial Kidney That Frees Patients From Dialysis On Horizon After Successful Trial
