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Microsoft to unbundle Teams software in Europe in bid to abate EU antitrust concerns

Microsoft To Unbundle Teams Software In Europe In Bid To Abate EU Antitrust Concerns

Microsoft will unbundle its chat and videoconference service Teams from its Microsoft 365 suite in Europe to address EU antitrust concerns. Starting October 1, customers can purchase the suite without Teams at a discounted price. European Union regulators opened an antitrust investigation into Microsoft's bundling of Teams with other Office products, citing anti-competitive concerns. Microsoft has pledged to enhance interoperability with competing offerings and host Office web applications within other apps and services. The company believes the changes balance the interests of competitors and European business customers. The EU investigation is still ongoing. Microsoft is also facing scrutiny from UK regulators regarding its proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

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Microsoft to unbundle Teams software in Europe in bid to abate EU antitrust concerns
