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Tulsa public schools have averted a takeover for now. But threats from top education official aren’t over

Tulsa Public Schools Have Averted A Takeover For Now. But Threats From Top Education Official Aren’t Over

Oklahoma's largest school district, Tulsa Public Schools, has retained its accreditation after a battle with State Superintendent Ryan Walters. Walters blamed the district's low academic performance on poor leadership, alleged financial mismanagement, and "woke ideology." He appealed to the state school board to strip the district of its accreditation, but the board voted to give the district an upgraded status of "accredited with deficiencies." Walters warned that further intervention was possible if the district does not make significant changes. The conflict highlights the ongoing political disputes over education in the country.

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Tulsa public schools have averted a takeover for now. But threats from top education official aren’t over
