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DPI Framework to Cyber Education Toolkit: 8 Key Outcomes of G20 Meetings on Digital Economy

DPI Framework To Cyber Education Toolkit: 8 Key Outcomes Of G20 Meetings On Digital Economy

Under India's presidency, the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) of the G20 focused on harnessing the potential of the digital economy. The meetings, held in various Indian cities, aimed to draw inspiration from India's digital empowerment and explore collaborative opportunities for other countries. The key outcomes of the G20 DEWG meetings include prioritizing digital public infrastructure, digital skilling, and cybersecurity. These outcomes demonstrate a collective effort to use digitalization for the betterment of societies, economies, and global cooperation, and have laid the foundation for a digitally empowered and interconnected world.

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DPI Framework to Cyber Education Toolkit: 8 Key Outcomes of G20 Meetings on Digital Economy
