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Restore Passenger Rail protestor who allegedly cemented hand to SH1 declined bail

Restore Passenger Rail Protestor Who Allegedly Cemented Hand To SH1 Declined Bail

A 64-year-old protester from the Restore Passenger Rail group in Wellington, New Zealand, has been denied bail after allegedly cementing her hand to the road during a demonstration. Rosemary Penwarden, a retired scientist, appeared in court with her hand in a bucket and will face a charge of endangering transport. Two other protesters were released on bail. The group has been calling for the restoration of passenger rail services and free public transport. Transport Minister Michael Wood has refused to meet with the group again after they vandalized Labour MPs' offices, and Wellington mayor Tory Whanau has also ruled out working with them.

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Restore Passenger Rail protestor who allegedly cemented hand to SH1 declined bail
