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The Top 20 Things That Make People Feel Good–And a New Positivity Bench in London

The Top 20 Things That Make People Feel Good–And A New Positivity Bench In London

A poll of 2,000 adults revealed the top 20 things that make people feel good, with a good night's sleep and a sunny blue sky ranking as the top two. The survey found that 83% of respondents actively avoid negative stories on social media and TV, as it leaves them feeling emotionally drained. Nearly half of Londoners would welcome a pick-me-up, leading Babybel cheese company to create a "Goodness Bench" in King's Cross train station. The bench shares positive news stories and donates to charity every time someone sits on it. The poll also found that 68% believe happiness is infectious.

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The Top 20 Things That Make People Feel Good–And a New Positivity Bench in London
