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Airline Pilot Reunites 9-Year-Old with Her Beloved Doll Lost Half a World Away

Airline Pilot Reunites 9-Year-Old With Her Beloved Doll Lost Half A World Away

A 9-year-old girl named Valentina lost her American Girl Doll named Beatrice while traveling from Japan to Texas. Her father contacted American Airlines pilot James Danen, who reached out to Turkish Airlines lost and found staff at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Beatrice was found and Danen personally escorted her back to Valentina, who was overjoyed to be reunited with her doll. Danen brought back Japanese candy and a map showing all the places Beatrice had visited. Valentina thanked Danen and asked if Beatrice was well-behaved during the flight.

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Airline Pilot Reunites 9-Year-Old with Her Beloved Doll Lost Half a World Away
