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In Iowa and elsewhere, bans on widely discredited ‘conversion therapy’ become a conservative target

In Iowa And Elsewhere, Bans On Widely Discredited ‘conversion Therapy’ Become A Conservative Target

The city council in Waterloo, Iowa has repealed its ban on "conversion therapy" after a Christian organization threatened legal action. Conversion therapy is the discredited practice of trying to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling. The Christian organization, Liberty Counsel, argued that the ban infringed on the constitutional right to free speech. Efforts to curb the rights of LGBTQ+ kids and adopt restrictions on gender and sexuality are spreading across the country. Many states have laws prohibiting conversion therapy, but there are ongoing legal challenges, and the issue may reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

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In Iowa and elsewhere, bans on widely discredited ‘conversion therapy’ become a conservative target
