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Alibaba launches AI model that can understand images and have more complex conversations

Alibaba Launches AI Model That Can Understand Images And Have More Complex Conversations

Alibaba has launched two new artificial intelligence (AI) models, Qwen-VL and Qwen-VL-Chat, which can understand images and have more complex conversations. The models are open-source, allowing researchers and companies to create their own AI apps without training their own systems. Qwen-VL can respond to open-ended queries related to images and generate picture captions, while Qwen-VL-Chat can perform tasks such as writing stories and solving mathematical equations based on images. These models build upon Alibaba's large language model called Tongyi Qianwen. The move aims to attract more users for Alibaba's AI model as its cloud division seeks to reignite growth ahead of going public.

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Alibaba launches AI model that can understand images and have more complex conversations
