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To Halt Ibis Extinction Austrian Man Shows Beloved Birds a New Migration Route With His UltraLight–And it’s Working

To Halt Ibis Extinction Austrian Man Shows Beloved Birds A New Migration Route With His UltraLight–And It’s Working

An Austrian ornithologist has successfully reintroduced the northern bald ibis, a bird that was extinct in Europe for 400 years, by leading them along their natural migration route with an ultralight aircraft. The method involved fostering chicks of the endangered species and training them to follow the aircraft. The project, funded by the European LIFE-program, was the first to reintroduce a migratory species back into the wild. The birds' migration routes had become unstable due to climate change, but the efforts of the ornithologist helped them establish a new migration tradition.

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To Halt Ibis Extinction Austrian Man Shows Beloved Birds a New Migration Route With His UltraLight–And it’s Working
