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Sam Asghari Seeks Help Hiding From Paparazzi Amid Britney Spears Divorce

Sam Asghari Seeks Help Hiding From Paparazzi Amid Britney Spears Divorce

Sam Asghari, Britney Spears' estranged husband, has posted a poll on Instagram asking fans to vote on disguises he can use to hide from paparazzi amid their divorce. The options include glasses with a gray mustache and hair, aviator sunglasses with curly brown hair, or a Gen-Z TikTok haircut. However, it is unlikely that these disguises would fool the paparazzi. Sam filed for divorce after a fight with Britney over allegations of physical abuse and cheating. Britney has expressed shock over the divorce but admits their marriage wasn't working. The divorce and its aftermath are expected to attract significant media attention.

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Sam Asghari Seeks Help Hiding From Paparazzi Amid Britney Spears Divorce
