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Cool Dark Energy Device Mapped Out 100,000 Galaxies, Creating A 3D Cosmic Map

Cool Dark Energy Device Mapped Out 100,000 Galaxies, Creating A 3D Cosmic Map

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created a three-dimensional map featuring over 700,000 celestial objects in an effort to study the effects of dark energy. Using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), the researchers were able to chart the characteristics of millions of galaxies, stars, and quasars, providing insights into dark energy's influence. The initial dataset, which includes nearly 2 million celestial objects and 100,000 galaxies, has been made available to the public. DESI, equipped with 5,000 robotic positioners, is the world's most powerful multi-object survey spectrograph and aims to explore and document the complete cosmic territory.

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Cool Dark Energy Device Mapped Out 100,000 Galaxies, Creating A 3D Cosmic Map
