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Maui emergency chief resigns after defending decision to not activate sirens during wildfire

Maui Emergency Chief Resigns After Defending Decision To Not Activate Sirens During Wildfire

The head of Maui County's emergency management agency, Herman Andaya, has resigned after defending his decision to not activate sirens during catastrophic wildfires that have claimed over 100 lives. Andaya cited health reasons for his resignation. He stated that sirens are primarily used for tsunamis and that the public is trained to seek higher ground, which would have been dangerous during the wildfires. The mayor of Maui County, Richard Bissen, will soon announce a replacement for Andaya. The wildfire is the deadliest in the US in over a century and the worst disaster in Hawaii state history. An independent investigator will review the state and local response to the wildfires.

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Maui emergency chief resigns after defending decision to not activate sirens during wildfire
