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World Leaders Need to Prioritize the More Than 1 Billion People Living in Informal Settlements

World Leaders Need To Prioritize The More Than 1 Billion People Living In Informal Settlements

The world is not on track to achieve the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, with progress on more than half of the SDG targets being weak or insufficient. In particular, progress on SDG 11, which focuses on making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, is stagnating. To address this, world leaders need to prioritize improving housing conditions in informal settlements, as access to affordable and safe housing is a fundamental human right. Investing in upgrading housing in informal settlements could have transformational benefits in terms of health, education, and income, and contribute to economic growth and global prosperity.

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World Leaders Need to Prioritize the More Than 1 Billion People Living in Informal Settlements
