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Over 3 Summers, Leslie Dart Has Planted 372,200 Trees All Across Canada, Inspiring More To Follow In Her Footsteps

Over 3 Summers, Leslie Dart Has Planted 372,200 Trees All Across Canada, Inspiring More To Follow In Her Footsteps

Leslie Dart, a young woman from Canada, has gained attention on TikTok for her impressive tree-planting feats. Despite not being a forestry professional, Dart has planted 4,545 trees in a single day and a total of 372,290 trees over three summers. Tree planting is a prevalent summer job for university students in Canada and is mandated by provincial regulations to complement logging activities. Dart's work, along with other dedicated individuals, has contributed to the replanting of 1.6 billion trees across western Canadian provinces in response to logging and forest fires.

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Over 3 Summers, Leslie Dart Has Planted 372,200 Trees All Across Canada, Inspiring More To Follow In Her Footsteps
