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Husky racing couple whose dog killed their three-month-old baby spared jail

Husky Racing Couple Whose Dog Killed Their Three-month-old Baby Spared Jail

A husky racing couple in Lincolnshire, England, has been spared jail after their three-month-old daughter was killed by one of their dogs. The baby was attacked and mauled by a Siberian husky sled dog, named Blizzard, during a training run. The dog had escaped from a van and attacked the baby in her pram. The judge described it as a case of "terrible circumstances aligning" and stated that the attack was not reasonably foreseeable. The couple, who have since split, were sentenced to suspended imprisonment and ordered to carry out community work. The dog, Blizzard, was ordered to be destroyed.

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Husky racing couple whose dog killed their three-month-old baby spared jail
