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Lahaina residents met with devastation as they return to Maui town’s charred remains

Lahaina Residents Met With Devastation As They Return To Maui Town’s Charred Remains

Residents of Lahaina, Hawaii, have returned home for the first time since wildfires destroyed large parts of the town, leaving behind charred remains and debris. The wildfires, the deadliest in the state since 1960, have killed at least 67 people. Many survivors reported a lack of warning, with no sirens sounding before the fires struck. The wildfires were fueled by dry conditions and strong winds. Lahaina is known to have a high risk of wildfires, according to Maui County's hazard mitigation plan. The fire is expected to be the second-costliest disaster in Hawaii's history.

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Lahaina residents met with devastation as they return to Maui town’s charred remains
