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20 Jokes for the Hall of Fame, August 8, 2023

20 Jokes For The Hall Of Fame, August 8, 2023

This news article titled "Balanced News: 20 Jokes for the Hall of Fame" features a compilation of humorous jokes. The jokes cover a range of topics including bottled water, identity crisis, virginity, auto-correct, public speaking, religion, rap, teachers, peeing in the pool, beliefs, weapons, large breasts, preferences for pets, babies, love language, confidence, and legislation. The article concludes with a joke about animal behavior.

The post 20 Jokes for the Hall of Fame, August 8, 2023 appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

This post first appeared on Balanced News Summary, please read the originial post: here

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20 Jokes for the Hall of Fame, August 8, 2023
