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At Coimbatore’s Paranjyothi Mariamman, Goddess Adorned With Cash Garlands

At Coimbatore’s Paranjyothi Mariamman, Goddess Adorned With Cash Garlands

In Coimbatore's Paranjyothi Mariamman Temple, the Goddess adorned herself with garlands made of currency notes worth 11 lakh rupees. The temple premises were decorated with an array of currency notes of various denominations, and a lamp puja was performed by 208 women. The funds for the decoration were contributed voluntarily by local devotees, reflecting their deep-seated belief and affection for the deity. This unique tradition is upheld by the temple every year during the auspicious month of Aadi, which holds special significance for devotees of Goddess Shakti.

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At Coimbatore’s Paranjyothi Mariamman, Goddess Adorned With Cash Garlands
