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Use G20 Effectively for ‘Image Building’: MHA Tells State & UT Police Chiefs, Seeks Report

Use G20 Effectively For ‘Image Building’: MHA Tells State & UT Police Chiefs, Seeks Report

The Ministry of Home Affairs in India has directed state police chiefs to effectively use the G20 summit in 2023 for "image building" of the Indian Police. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has also been informed about the task. Several events have already been held since India's G20 presidency began in December 2022, and the main event will be held in New Delhi. Police departments from different states have been tasked with rebranding their force for an image makeover, including training tourist police staff in English and introducing new emergency response vehicles. Security measures are also being increased.

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Use G20 Effectively for ‘Image Building’: MHA Tells State & UT Police Chiefs, Seeks Report
