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Invite Women Sarpanches & Student Toppers for I-Day ‘At Home’, Avoid Random Movie Songs: MHA to States

Invite Women Sarpanches & Student Toppers For I-Day ‘At Home’, Avoid Random Movie Songs: MHA To States

The Ministry of Home Affairs in India has instructed state governments and Union Territories to invite women sarpanches (village heads), student toppers, and outstanding educators to 'At Home' functions during Independence Day celebrations. The ministry also emphasized the importance of creating invitation cards that can be treasured as souvenirs for life. In addition, the ministry urged the playing of patriotic songs instead of random movie numbers and encouraged the participation of school bands in the celebrations. The ministry also suggested that states invite participation from five other states or Union Territories to promote engagement and bonding among people from different regions.

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Invite Women Sarpanches & Student Toppers for I-Day ‘At Home’, Avoid Random Movie Songs: MHA to States
