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Hospitals Could Use Honey and Vinegar as Antibiotic for ‘Low-Cost’ Wound Care

Hospitals Could Use Honey And Vinegar As Antibiotic For ‘Low-Cost’ Wound Care

The UK is experimenting with using a combination of medicinal-grade honey and food-grade vinegar to clean wounds instead of antibiotics or antiseptics. Known as oxymel, this mixture has been used throughout history to wash or dress wounds. Researchers at Warwick University found that a combination of low dose acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) and medicinal honey dramatically reduced bacterial count. They also discovered that whole vinegars, such as pomegranate vinegar, were even more effective. Medicinal honey, like Manuka honey, can also be effective in treating bacterial infections.

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Hospitals Could Use Honey and Vinegar as Antibiotic for ‘Low-Cost’ Wound Care
