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Northern Palm Beach County Smashes All-Time Record for Sea Turtle Nests: 21,800 and Counting

Northern Palm Beach County Smashes All-Time Record For Sea Turtle Nests: 21,800 And Counting

Palm Beach County in Florida has broken the record for the number of sea turtle nests recorded in a single nesting season on Juno Beach, with over 21,800 nests so far. The majority of the nests belong to loggerhead sea turtles, but green and leatherback sea turtles also nest there. These species are considered vulnerable or endangered. The counting was done by the Loggerhead Marinelife Center on Juno Beach, Jupiter-Carlin Park, and Tequesta. In Baldwin County, Alabama, experts predict a bumper year for turtle nesting, with 13 nests already surpassing the total of the previous two nesting seasons.

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Northern Palm Beach County Smashes All-Time Record for Sea Turtle Nests: 21,800 and Counting
