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Ghanaian PhD student loses scholarship in the US after attack on LGBTQ community

Ghanaian PhD Student Loses Scholarship In The US After Attack On LGBTQ Community

Ghanaian PhD student Derrick Boadi Sakyi had his scholarship withdrawn after being involved in hateful attacks against the LGBTQ community on Twitter. LGBT activist Papa Kojo exposed the attacks and informed Ohio University, where Sakyi was studying, about the situation. The scholarship was specifically intended for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, applicants from the Global South, first-generation students, and people with disabilities. After Kojo's report, the university suspended Sakyi's scholarship pending a review. Kojo urged homophobes to stay away from progressive funding and scholarships, suggesting they apply to countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan instead.

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Ghanaian PhD student loses scholarship in the US after attack on LGBTQ community
