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Samsung launches two new folding smartphones to fend off competition from rivals

Samsung Launches Two New Folding Smartphones To Fend Off Competition From Rivals

Samsung has launched two new folding smartphones, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Galaxy Fold 5, as well as a tablet and two smartwatches. The new phones offer incremental upgrades over last year's models, with the Galaxy Z Flip 5 featuring a larger cover display and a more comfortable clamshell design. While foldables remain a niche part of the smartphone market, Samsung remains the market leader, commanding 80% of global foldable shipments in 2022. The market expects foldable phone shipments to double to 30 million in 2023. The new phones are available for pre-order with prices starting at $999.99 for the Flip 5 and $1,799.99 for the Fold 5.

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Samsung launches two new folding smartphones to fend off competition from rivals
