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Alongside What Appears to Be Pizza, Recent Pompeii Excavations Reveal Yet More Hidden Treasures

Alongside What Appears To Be Pizza, Recent Pompeii Excavations Reveal Yet More Hidden Treasures

Recent excavations at Pompeii have uncovered a beautifully preserved fresco depicting what appears to be pizza on a silver platter. The dig site, located in a 19th-century neighborhood, has also revealed a bakery oven, a kitchen shrine, skeletons, and exquisite frescoes. The building is believed to be a wholesaler, and the atrium featured a skylight and a massive oven capable of baking 100 loaves of bread per day. While the fresco is unlikely to depict pizza as we know it today, archaeologists speculate that it represents focaccia bread with toppings. Pompeii still has one-third of its total space unexcavated.

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Alongside What Appears to Be Pizza, Recent Pompeii Excavations Reveal Yet More Hidden Treasures
