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Chinese Mobile Companies Evade Rs 9,000 Cr in Tax in India, Rs 1,629 Cr Recovered

Chinese Mobile Companies Evade Rs 9,000 Cr In Tax In India, Rs 1,629 Cr Recovered

Chinese smartphone makers, including Oppo Mobile, Vivo India, and Xiaomi Technology, have evaded taxes worth Rs 9,000 crore in India, according to data shared by the Minister of State for Electronics and IT. The tax evasion, comprising customs duty and GST, was detected between 2018-19 and 2022-23. The government has recovered Rs 1,629.87 crore from these companies during the same period. The data shows that Oppo Mobile evaded Rs 5,086 crore, Vivo evaded Rs 2,923.25 crore, and Xiaomi evaded Rs 851.14 crore in taxes. The cumulative turnover of Chinese mobile handset companies in India was estimated to be Rs 1.5 lakh crore in 2021-22.

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Chinese Mobile Companies Evade Rs 9,000 Cr in Tax in India, Rs 1,629 Cr Recovered
