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Michael Cera Passed on Hosting ‘SNL’ Post-‘Superbad’ Because He Was Scared of Getting More Famous

Michael Cera Passed On Hosting ‘SNL’ Post-‘Superbad’ Because He Was Scared Of Getting More Famous

Michael Cera, known for his roles in "Superbad" and "Juno," turned down the opportunity to host Saturday Night Live (SNL) in 2007 due to fears of becoming too famous. Cera, who rose to fame as a child actor on Arrested Development, has since adjusted to his celebrity status but admits that fame made him uncomfortable and paranoid. He was particularly uncomfortable with drunk fans wanting to touch him and felt he lacked the ability to establish boundaries. Cera did eventually host SNL on Strike, a stage show performed during the 2007 writers' strike.

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Michael Cera Passed on Hosting ‘SNL’ Post-‘Superbad’ Because He Was Scared of Getting More Famous
