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Amazon boasts record sales for Prime Day as US shoppers spent $12.7 billion during the sales event

Amazon Boasts Record Sales For Prime Day As US Shoppers Spent $12.7 Billion During The Sales Event

Amazon's Prime Day event saw record sales, with US shoppers spending $12.7 billion over the two-day event, according to Adobe Analytics. This represents a 6.1% increase year-over-year and sets a new record for the sales event. Amazon's shares rose as much as 2.1% in pre-market trading following the announcement. The event saw more than 375 million items sold, up from 300 million last year, with home goods, fashion, and beauty among the top categories. Smartphone sales accounted for 44.8% of purchases on the second day, up from 41.5% last year, and Buy Now Pay Later usage increased.

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Amazon boasts record sales for Prime Day as US shoppers spent $12.7 billion during the sales event
