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Sudan: Raging conflict displaces over 3.1 million people

Sudan: Raging Conflict Displaces Over 3.1 Million People

A conflict in Sudan has displaced over 3.1 million people, with more than 700,000 fleeing to neighboring countries, according to the United Nations. The conflict began in mid-April between the military and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, derailing Sudan's transition to democracy. Over 2.4 million people have been displaced within Sudan, while Egypt hosts the largest number of refugees, followed by Chad and South Sudan. The conflict has turned urban areas into battlefields, resulting in widespread destruction and casualties. Efforts to establish a cease-fire and provide humanitarian support have been unsuccessful, and there are concerns that Sudan is on the verge of a full-scale civil war.

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Sudan: Raging conflict displaces over 3.1 million people
