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Prolific raises $32M to train and stress-test AI models using its network of 120K people

Prolific Raises $32M To Train And Stress-test AI Models Using Its Network Of 120K People

London startup Prolific has raised $32 million in funding to expand its system that taps into a network of 120,000 human participants to train and stress-test AI models. Prolific counts Google, Stanford University, the University of Oxford, King’s College London, and the European Commission among its customers. The company was founded in 2014 and has primarily relied on revenue from these users to grow. Prolific pays its participants a minimum of $6-$8 per hour and has paid out $100 million to them to date. The funding round was co-led by Partech and Oxford Science Enterprises.

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Prolific raises $32M to train and stress-test AI models using its network of 120K people
