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Centre Wants Govt Exam System to be Leakage-Proof, Highlights Five Gaps Leading to Scams | Exclusive

Centre Wants Govt Exam System To Be Leakage-Proof, Highlights Five Gaps Leading To Scams | Exclusive

The Centre has urged all ministries to make the government examination system "leakage-proof" and has identified five gaps that contribute to scams and paper leaks. The letter from the Department of Personnel and Training highlights issues such as the use of remote access programs and outdated operating systems in examination centres, as well as the absence of licensed antivirus software and fool-proof remote access detection. The Secretary has stressed the importance of addressing these gaps to ensure the integrity of the examination process and maintain credibility in government recruitment.

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Centre Wants Govt Exam System to be Leakage-Proof, Highlights Five Gaps Leading to Scams | Exclusive
