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‘This One Time at Band Camp’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About the ‘American Pie’ Movies

‘This One Time At Band Camp’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About The ‘American Pie’ Movies

American Pie is a film franchise known for its gross-out humor and oedipal jokes. Shannon Elizabeth, who played Nadia, expressed concern about the webcam scene in today's cultural climate. The franchise has endured despite criticism. Trivia tidbits include the use of a female capuchin monkey actor named Crystal, a possible real-life inspiration for the character Stifler, a failed condom product placement deal, and a cut nude scene. The idea for the movie came from Craig Perry, and the script went through changes before becoming a hit. Chris Klein was left out of American Wedding, disappointing fans.

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‘This One Time at Band Camp’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About the ‘American Pie’ Movies
