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‘Drive-throw’ recycling aims to ease Lebanon garbage crisis

‘Drive-throw’ Recycling Aims To Ease Lebanon Garbage Crisis

Lebanon Waste Management has introduced "Drive-throw" recycling stations in Beirut, allowing motorists to exchange empty bottles and cardboard for cash. With Lebanon facing a garbage crisis, including overflowing landfills and illegal burning of waste, the state-run recycling sector has largely collapsed due to the country's economic collapse. The founder of Lebanon Waste Management, Pierre Baaklini, opened the first recycling station a year ago and a second one in February. The stations accept various recyclables, including cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, e-waste, batteries, and used cooking oil. The initiative aims to raise awareness about recycling and provide income opportunities for the country's impoverished population.

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‘Drive-throw’ recycling aims to ease Lebanon garbage crisis
