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Octopuses Have Remarkably Similar Sleep Patterns to Humans–and May Even Dream

Octopuses Have Remarkably Similar Sleep Patterns To Humans–and May Even Dream

Researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and the University of Washington have discovered that octopuses have sleep patterns remarkably similar to humans. Octopuses transition between a "quiet" stage and an "active" stage that resembles REM sleep in mammals. During the active stage, their arms and eyes twitch, their breathing rate quickens, and their skin flashes with vibrant colors, suggesting that they may even dream. The researchers theorize that octopuses may be practicing their skin patterns, re-living and learning from their waking experiences, or maintaining their pigment cells during sleep. The findings highlight the similarities in sleeping behavior between octopuses and humans.

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Octopuses Have Remarkably Similar Sleep Patterns to Humans–and May Even Dream
