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Researchers Get Video Of Deepest Fish Ever Recorded Around 5 Miles Below Surface Near Japan

Researchers Get Video Of Deepest Fish Ever Recorded Around 5 Miles Below Surface Near Japan

Researchers have discovered a previously unknown species of snailfish swimming at a depth of 5 miles below the ocean's surface. The snailfish, known as the Pseudoliparis species, were found thriving in the Izu-Ogasawara trench southeast of Japan. The expedition was a joint effort between the Minderoo-University of Western Australia's Deep Sea Research Center and the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The snailfish showed remarkable adaptations to survive in an environment with pressures 800 times greater than at sea level, including a gelatinous outer mass and the absence of swim bladders. The snailfish have been observed in various pelagic zones, including shallow waters and the depths of trenches.

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Researchers Get Video Of Deepest Fish Ever Recorded Around 5 Miles Below Surface Near Japan
