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Samsung to begin making world’s most advanced mobile chips in 2025 as battle with TSMC heats up

Samsung To Begin Making World’s Most Advanced Mobile Chips In 2025 As Battle With TSMC Heats Up

Samsung Electronics has announced its roadmap to expand its chip manufacturing business, aiming to compete with TSMC. The South Korean company plans to begin mass production of 2nm chips for mobile applications in 2025, followed by high-performance computing in 2026 and automotive in 2027. Samsung aims to capitalize on the growing demand for advanced chips in smartphones and data centers. Currently, TSMC leads the global semiconductor foundry market with 59% revenue in Q1 2021, while Samsung accounted for 13%. Samsung plans to increase its capacity and continue expanding its chip manufacturing lines in South Korea and Texas.

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Samsung to begin making world’s most advanced mobile chips in 2025 as battle with TSMC heats up
