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Reddit’s CEO lashes out, Twitter gets evicted, and NYC delivery workers get a pay raise

Reddit’s CEO Lashes Out, Twitter Gets Evicted, And NYC Delivery Workers Get A Pay Raise

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman defended the platform's decision to charge third-party apps, despite protests and subreddits going dark indefinitely. Twitter has been evicted from its office in Boulder, Colorado, after reportedly owing three months' rent to its landlord. Ransomware gang Clop has listed victims of its mass-hacks, including US banks and universities. Google Lens can now identify skin conditions similar to moles and rashes from uploaded photos. New York City has established a minimum wage for food delivery workers, however, both delivery workers and companies are unhappy with it. YouTube is lowering the requirements for creators to access its monetisation tools.

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Reddit’s CEO lashes out, Twitter gets evicted, and NYC delivery workers get a pay raise
