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Father Stabs Son Over Mobile App Delay in East Delhi’s Madhu Vihar

Father Stabs Son Over Mobile App Delay In East Delhi’s Madhu Vihar

A man in the Madhu Vihar area of East Delhi allegedly stabbed his 23-year-old son after the latter intervened in a fight between him and his wife over the slow downloading of a mobile app. Ashok Singh, a retired senior manager from Engineers India Limited, had asked his wife to download the app to make a payment for a flat he had recently purchased in Gurugram. When the app took time to download, Ashok became enraged and started fighting with his wife. When Aditya intervened, Ashok stabbed him in the chest with a kitchen knife. Aditya was hospitalised but later discharged.

The post Father Stabs Son Over Mobile App Delay in East Delhi’s Madhu Vihar appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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Father Stabs Son Over Mobile App Delay in East Delhi’s Madhu Vihar
