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Ofsted one-word judgments are ‘damning and unfair’, says former chief

Ofsted One-word Judgments Are ‘damning And Unfair’, Says Former Chief

Former chief of Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw, has called for the inspectorate’s grading system to be overhauled to replace one-word judgments with a more “nuanced” report. He now supports the Labour Party’s plan to replace headline inspection grades with a “report card”. His comments came after headteacher Ruth Perry took her own life following the downgrading of her school to the lowest Ofsted rating. MPs have launched an inquiry into Ofsted’s school inspections and whether they can be improved, including the impact on the workload and wellbeing of teachers, school leaders and pupils.

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Ofsted one-word judgments are ‘damning and unfair’, says former chief
