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Jockey suicides bring attention to stress and mental health concerns of the job

Jockey Suicides Bring Attention To Stress And Mental Health Concerns Of The Job

The suicides of two young jockeys have brought attention to the stress and mental health concerns of the job. Jockeys face physical dangers and criticism from owners, trainers, and bettors, as well as the need to maintain a low weight. However, jockeys have been quietly suffering for as long as they have been riding horses. The industry has been slow to accept the importance of mental health on the job, but there is hope that renewed conversation about it prompts real change. The Jockeys' Guild and Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority recently sent out an anonymous survey to gauge the best ways to support riders' mental health and wellbeing.

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Jockey suicides bring attention to stress and mental health concerns of the job
